
The Next Generation of Beach Party Summertime Fun!


Bob & the Beachcombers

Gar (Rockin' Hollywoods) Johnson was still playing drums in early 2005 as the Beachcombers were ramping up for another busy summer season. Bookings were coming in and it was looking like 2005 would be good year. Gar was tired of life on the road, though, and decided to take a gig playing with a local club group. When Bob got the call, he hung up and said to nobody in particular, "Here we go again. Summer's right around the corner and now I've got to find, audition, and work in a new drummer...."

His son, Shawn, was sitting nearby, and after a few moments answered, "Well, I could play drums with the band, if you wanted me to."

After four years as a percussionist at Eastview High School, a couple of years playing in a part-time rock band in Apple Valley, and a year in the University of Minnesota marching band, there was no doubt that Shawn had the skills and the talent. He knew most of the music and had plenty of stage experience, performing both in the "Bob the Beachcomber" show and the full "Bob & the Beachcombers" band. It was perfect timing, a perfect fit, and the perfect start of a "New Generation of Beach Party Summertime Fun".

Guitarist Steve Paris was also busy building a career as a solo performer and his calendar was booking up dates that made him unavailable for many important upcoming Beachcomber shows. After several years of frequent substitutions and part-time players, Bob wanted a solid group of regular players that could perform at every show. Brian Beauchamp agreed to a full-time position on bass guitar and Al Schilling signed on as the lead guitar player, and with Shawn on the drums, Bob and the new and improved "Bob & the Beachcombers" rock & roll show prepared for the summer of 2005.


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